

发布时间: 2024-05-17 00:36:41北京青年报社官方账号





"Further opening-up will not only provide China the markets it needs, but also the technology, managerial talent, and ideas to further catch up with more advanced countries," he said when addressing the International Forum on China's Reform and Opening Up and Poverty Reduction recently.


"Gao found out that due to geographical conditions in the places where the ethnic groups lived, people didn't have enough zinc in their diets, which led to high death rates of pregnant women. As a result, any healthy woman who could give birth was viewed as precious to a family. Therefore, the custom was developed to carry on the family line," Yuan says.


"For me, this is my first time seeing Chinese opera. So it was a great way to learn a little bit," she said. "The performers are clearly very, very talented and it's good to see something so unique and just really entertaining too. But it's a view of an obviously very different culture than what we're used to, so it's a very interesting way to celebrate difference and to see obviously different traditional dance and then instruments and singing. So even for people who aren't necessarily familiar with everything."


"Given the urgency to decarbonize the economy, I am convinced that China will have as much onshore and offshore wind installations as possible. But it is much more important to look at what the grid networks will do to accommodate the continued surge in variable renewable energy. That is the nation's chief challenge going forward," he said.


"For the Chinese mainland, the result bettered the survey average. 74 percent of small businesses from the Chinese mainland state that they grew in 2018, higher than the survey average of 66 percent," Chan told reporters. "The positive small business conditions look set to continue into 2019."


